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Practical ReactJS Essentials in Urdu/Hindi
Course Overview (3:19)
Why Learn React (1:55)
Using the resources in this course (1:28)
Project Setup
Setup React with Vite (6:41)
Tailwind CSS Setup (8:31)
Git, React, and pushing code to GitHub (10:50)
Deploying to GitHub pages with GitHub Actions (12:52)
React Fundamentals
Understanding JSX and React Function Components (11:21)
Props vs State (24:38)
Event Handlers (25:39)
Dynamic & Conditional Rendering in React (23:03)
Component Lifecycle (23:09)
Virtual DOM (15:59)
Styling Options (30:27)
Quiz on React Fundamentals
State Management in React
Managing state with useState Hook (27:28)
Mastering the 3 usages of the useEffect Hook (31:56)
Prop Drilling, and Context API in React (41:51)
Creating Custom Hooks (22:58)
Introduction to Redux (13:29)
API calls with Redux Thunk (51:36)
Mini Project 1 | React-Redux Notifications (48:02)
Quiz on State Management in React
React Router
Setting up Routes with React Router (29:54)
Loading route data with Loader Functions & Router Params (26:49)
Working with Forms and React Router Actions (27:05)
Nested Routes & Active Links Styling (14:31)
Assignment: Adding features to Contacts App using React Router (6:16)
Quiz on React Router
Testing React Apps and Components
Introduction to Testing in React (11:38)
Setting up Vitest for testing React Components (16:08)
Writing unit tests with Vitest (20:07)
Testing Async Behavior - Mocking props and files (43:43)
Writing Integration tests (30:19)
Writing end-to-end tests with Playwright (33:43)
Running the tests on GitHub actions (15:54)
Quiz on Testing in React
Real World Project: Pizza Restaurant App
Project Introduction (5:36)
Setting up application routes (4:31)
Configuring the Root Layout for UI consistency (3:25)
Configuring the Redux Store and adding items to Cart (13:57)
Implementing Menu item Redux actions & selectors (22:33)
Persisting Redux state in the browser (9:53)
Implementing the Cart page (5:15)
Implementing the Checkout page (20:00)
Creating Orders and saving in Redux (25:50)
Render Orders and Search from the header (28:45)
Quiz for Pizza Restaurant App
Recap and Next Steps (6:53)
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Setting up Routes with React Router
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